Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I can't has lolcats?

Do you love lolcats? If so, the following image is for you.

I has a sad tewdai

PIPA, SOPA and other FU-KYA ideas may mean that you will no longer be able to see any more lolcats.

The Day The LOLcats Died
For more see cheezburger’s This is Your Internet … after Congress passes new censorship laws. For tweets and the like there is a short URL you may like to use:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3D printed zoetrope

Meet the awesome 3Drehkino, an improved zoetrope. Improvements are:
  • It uses flashing LEDs and the stroboscopic effect instead of a slit.
  • It has electronics to sync the flashing with the rotation of the disk; the animation therefore works for a wide range of rotation speeds.
  • It uses 3D objects rather than flat ones, making it look much very realistic.


If you ask me the obvious next step would be painting the objects. Via A Hack a Day.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Toccata and Fugue in D minor on a Glass Harp

The Toccata and Fugue in D minor (BWV 565) is a piece of organ music attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach and one of the most famous works in the organ repertoire. Hear it performed on a glass harp:

Toccata i Fuga d-moll J.S. Bacha - Festiwal Muzyki Kameralnej w Bolonii (HD)

Mr Bean and the European Anthem

Allow me to share this performance of the European Anthem by Mr. Bean who runs out of text and improvises one of his own using German loanwords and the like. I laughed so heartily that I had tears in my eyes ☺

Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean)
European Anthem - 'Beethoven's 9th Symphony'

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Google Maps: From The Shire to Mordor

This is what happens if you as Google Maps how to walk from The Shire to Mordor.

From The Shire to Mordor

Notice that you do not only get the iconic “One does not simply walk into Mordor.” but also the hint that the given route has tolls.

Youtube Videos: Navigation by Numbers

You can use the number keys 0 through 9 to move to certain locations in a youtube video:


Allow me to use Big Buck Bunny as an illustration:

Skipping through Big Buck Bunny

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Adblock plus showing ads?

You may have noticed that recent versions of Adblock plus do not filter out certain ads. Here is how to get rid of this “feature”:

First you go to Tools → Addons → Extensions → Adblock Plus to open the Adblock Plus preferences and click on Filter Preferences…

Adblock Plus preferences
Alternatively you can right-click on the Adblock Plus Icon (an octagonal stop sign with the text ABP on it) to open its context menu and select Filter Preferences… or use the Ctrl+Shift+F shortcut. No matter which method you use, simply open the Adblock Plus Filter Preferences window.

In this window go to the Filter subscriptions tab and uncheck Allow some non-intrusive advertising.

Adblock Plus Fiter Preferences:
Filter Subscriptions → Allow some non-intrusive advertising
That's it.

Monday, January 2, 2012


FxIF (Firefox exIF) allows you to view meta information data contained in JPEG images. Most digital cameras add EXIF data to all images you take and much editing software adds or allows you to add more informations on the picture and you the creator.

Install order for Firefox add-ons

Allow me to suggested an order in which to installing Firefox add-ons. Note that you typically need not restart the browser after installing each and every add-on. However, I cannot guarantee that not doing so will not run you into trouble.

First of all you should ensure that you keep the configuration free from unused options. In order to do so allow me to suggest that the first add-on you install is one that helps you with this (i.e. before you mess up the config).

Note that if you manually modify config settings it may be a good idea to document what you did. Otherwise you will sooner or later forget for what purpose you made which modification and it may even occur that you altogether forget that you made a certain modification – and chances are that you will need to recall precisely that forgotten detail.
  • Preferences Cleaner - Restart after installing this add-on to make sure that it is in place before you install anything else.
Now you should add some protective measures:
Once the above add-ons (or at least the ones in bold) choose from the other add-ons listed on this page. Allow me to start with a set of suggested add-ons that aim at tuning Firefox:
The purpose of the next bunch of add-ons is providing features to Firefox that are not site-specific:
This bunch of add-ons improve the GUI:
The next bunch is for looking up words and phrases:
Finally here is a bunch of quite site-specific tools:
You may wonder why I am so insane that I wrote this text. Actually this has little to do with sanity – the above documents in which order I actually added the listed bunches of add-ons after my Firefox config had gotten too messy ☺

2012-01-02, 17:46 UTC: I removed Easy App Tabs from the list as its feature is provided by Tab Mix Plus.
2012-01-02, 18:3 UTC: Added GoogleReaderPlus (forgotten)

Quick Locale Switcher

Quick Locale Switcher allows you to quickly switch to a different language (User Interface, Spell Checker Dictionary and Website content) in your Mozilla application.