In order to provide a mapping for our customers we ship an additional, dead-simple YAML file that makes it possible to at least look up what the original, unabridged name was. The format is as follows:
shortName0: "A_rather_lengthy_attribute_name"
shortName1: "Another_rather_lengthy_attribute_name" shortName2: "An_attribute_name_no_sane_person_would_come_up_with"So essentially it is a table but as it is in valid YAML format there is no reason why it should not become a common sight and supported by GIS software. Here's example of how generated shapefiles my look like:
linestring.cpg point.cpg polygon.cpg
linestring.dbf point.dbf polygon.dbf linestring.prj point.prj polygon.prj linestring.shp point.shp polygon.shp linestring.shx point.shx polygon.shx linestring.yml point.yml polygon.ymlMandatory files are:
- .shp — shape format; the feature geometry itself
- .shx — shape index format; a positional index of the feature geometry to allow seeking forwards and backwards quickly
- .dbf — attribute format; columnar attributes for each shape, in dBase IV format
- .prj — projection format; the coordinate system and projection information, a plain text file describing the projection using well-known text format
- .cpg — used to specify the code page (only for .dbf) for identifying the character encoding to be used
- .yml — attribute name map (for .dbf) assigns the shortened 10 character attribute name one that can have an (in principle) arbitrary number of characters - File in YAML format as described above.
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